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Showing posts from May, 2019

EMOTIONAL ISSUES: Joy, not Happiness

Icebreaker: What is the longest vacation you have ever taken? What is the shortest vacation you have ever taken? Overview: Our family is experiencing a sorrowful season with the death of two family members in four months. We are sad but we still have joy. We have the hope and promise that one day we will be reunited with our loved ones who lived for Christ. The sorrow will soften and sweet memories will remain. Our joy is not based on our circumstances but on the One that fills our spirit with the fruit of His Spirit. Discussion: Read John 16:16-24, Galatians 5:22-23 But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness,   23  gentleness, self-control; against such things there is no law. – Galatians 5:22-23 ESV What was Jesus trying to explain to the disciples? What does “a little while” mean to us? What is the difference between joy and happiness? On what is our hope based? How does the Holy Spirit give us

EMOTIONAL ISSUES: Discouragement

Icebreaker: When have you ever read a book, watched a TV show or a recording game when you already knew the outcome? How did you feel during the tense moments knowing the outcome? Overview: Discouragement is a common emotional issue. Things don’t always turn out the way we hope. People that we thought we could count on let us down. Discouragement is normal. Today’s scripture says that Jesus was tempted in all things. Then did Jesus experience discouragement? He knew how everything was going to turn out but perhaps in the moment He experienced discouragement. We, too, know how everything is going to turn out — eventually. Our challenge is to handle the discouragement that we are experiencing in this earthly moment. Discussion: Read Hebrews 4:14-16. When did Jesus experience discouragement? What did Jesus expect of Peter? (Read Matthew 16:23.) How discouraged was Jesus with the disciples? (Read Matthew 26:36-46.) Since Jesus experienced discouragement, how

EMOTIONAL ISSUES: Precious Memories

Icebreaker: Note: Not everyone in your group will have precious memories of their mother. Some in your group may not have known their mother. For women who never had a child, it can be a sad reminder of empty arms. Be sensitive to everyone’s situation.   Overview: On a trip to Ephesus, Turkey, our tour group visited a restored, stone house overlooking the Aegean Sea that is believed by many to be the house where the Apostle John took Mary, the mother of Jesus, after Jesus’ death on the cross. Mary lived in this tiny, mountainside home the rest of her life. No one can say for sure if this dwelling is the actual home of Mary, but I can tell you that when I stepped inside, I was overcome with an emotion that I cannot explain. Mary was a real person who lived and loved her children. She was just like me and millions of other mothers except one of her children just happened to be the Son of God. What precious memories she stored up in her heart! Discussion: Read John 19:


Icebreaker: What kinds of things make you angry? Overview: Have you ever been angry but didn’t know why? I have. My mother struggled with dementia for nine years including three years in hospice care. She was stuck somewhere between reality and fantasy. She was neither dead or alive and I was mad. I was a control freak dealing with a situation I couldn’t control. God had her (and me) in His loving arms but I still had some lessons to learn. He was teaching me patience and appreciation. Get rid of anger or, better yet, get rid of the source of anger. Let the Love of God renew your mind. Discussion: Read Ephesians 4:17-32. Where do we start in renewing our minds? Why is anger so destructive? When is anger justified? How do we control our anger? What are some ways to put our hands to work for good? How can we use our words to improve situations? Why do we put our emotions under God’s control? Prayer: Pray for wisdom when anger arises in our lives.