Daily devotionals have been prepared to accompany the First Quarter Series, BROKEN. They are available at the Welcome Center or online at www.gpbrokenstudy.blogspot.com . The following questions can be used as a weekly recap in a small group setting or as a personal study aid for the sermon preached by Senior Pastor, Tommy Dove, at the Grace Place on Sunday, March 26, 2017. Past sermons are available offline at www.nashvillechurch.com . Click on “Media” and then “BROKEN” to view the video. Small group members are encouraged to bring their completed daily devotionals to their weekly group sessions to share their BROKEN discoveries with their group. For more information on participating in a Life Group study, contact Pastor Jon Green. Weekly Warm-up: How are you at jigsaw puzzles? What activity have you done that required small pieces be put together to make a larger one? (Such as car parts, quilting, assembly line, stained glass, etc.) W...
Study aid questions to be used for private Bible study or small group study