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Showing posts from August, 2011

The 4M Church: Ministry

T he following questions are to be used as a study aid for the sermon preached at the Grace Place on Sunday, August 21, 2011, by Pastor Tommy Dove. To get the most from these questions, go to and listen to the sermon first. These questions can be used in your private Bible study during the week or as a basis for a small group study. For more information on hosting or leading a small group study, click on "GP Small Groups" under "GP Ministries" at Explore: Tell about a time as a child when you had to give something you loved to someone else? What minor acts of kindness do you perform for others each day? When have you ever sacrificed for someone else? Scripture Reference: Romans 12:1-8 Excavate: H o w “reasonable” do you think it is to be asked to be a living sacrifice? In what way have you not conformed to the world this week? What are you doing on a regular basis to renew your mind? Extract: Which phrase

The 4M Church: Mission

T he following questions are to be used as a study aid for the sermon preached at the Grace Place on Sunday, August 14, 2011, by Pastor Kathy Tack. To get the most from these questions, go to and listen to the sermon first.   These questions can be used in your private Bible study during the week or as a basis for a small group study. For more information on hosting or leading a small group study, click on "GP Small Groups" under "GP Ministries" at   Explore: Do you like to work alone or do you like to work as part of a team to accomplish a task? Do you like to give orders or take orders? Tell about the last big project you work on. Scripture: Matthew 28:16-20 Extract: How do you describe the mission of the church? What specific mission has God given you? Jesus called us to go.   Where are we to go to carry out our mission? Excavate: How have you prepared to be a disciple not just a belie

The 4M Church: Message

T he following questions are to be used as a study aid for the sermon preached at the Grace Place on Sunday, August 7, 2011, by Pastor Tommy Dove. To get the most from these questions, go to and listen to the sermon first. These questions can be used in your private Bible study during the week or as a basis for a small group study. For more information on hosting or leading a small group study, click on "GP Small Groups" under "GP Ministries" at Explore: What is your most cherished possession?   (No cheating – can’t be a person or animal!) What measures do you use to protect your prized possession? How much time do you spend caring for your automobile each month? Scripture : Matthew 22:36-40 Extract: What does it mean to love the Lord with all your heart? How do you love the Lord with your soul? What is the difference between your heart and your soul? How can you use your intellect to love God? Excavat

Kingdom of God series - "King of Kings!"

T he following questions are to be used as a study aid for the sermon preached at the Grace Place on Sunday, July 31, 2011, by Pastor Tommy Dove. To get the most from these questions, go to and listen to the sermon first. These questions can be used in your private Bible study during the week or as a basis for a small group study. For more information on hosting or leading a small group study, click on "GP Small Groups" under "GP Ministries" at Explore: Have you ever met anyone of royalty?   Who was it?   How did you meet them? Do you have royalty in your ancestry?   Who was it? Were you ever elected king or queen of something?   What was it?   Did you get a crown? Scripture: Revelation 17:14; 19:11-16; 1 Timothy 6:11-16 Excavate: Jesus warned his disciples that war was inevitable (Matthew 10:21-22).   What do you think our position should be in the ongoing spiritual battle? Paul commands Timothy and u