The following questions are to be used as a study aid for the sermon preached at the Grace Place on Sunday, July 31, 2011, by Pastor Tommy Dove. To get the most from these questions, go to and listen to the sermon first.
Do you have royalty in your ancestry? Who was it?
Were you ever elected king or queen of something? What was it? Did you get a crown?These questions can be used in your private Bible study during the week or as a basis for a small group study. For more information on hosting or leading a small group study, click on "GP Small Groups" under "GP Ministries" at
Have you ever met anyone of royalty? Who was it? How did you meet them?
Do you have royalty in your ancestry? Who was it?
Scripture: Revelation 17:14; 19:11-16; 1 Timothy 6:11-16
Jesus warned his disciples that war was inevitable (Matthew 10:21-22). What do you think our position should be in the ongoing spiritual battle?
Paul commands Timothy and us to do four things. What are they?
(Flee _____, Pursue _____, Fight _____ and Take Hold _____)
Describe how you visualize Revelation 19:11-16:Extract:
We already know the outcome of the battle. How do you know that you will be on the winning side?
We are charged to be faithful until the Lord’s return. What things do you do to help you maintain your faithfulness?What do you think it will be like to finally see Jesus, King of kings and Lord of lords?
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