The following questions are
to be used as a study aid for the sermon preached at the Grace Place on Sunday,
January 8, 2012, by Pastor Tommy Dove. To get the most from these questions,
go to and listen to
the sermon first.
These questions can be used in your
private Bible study during the week or as a basis for a small group study. For
more information on hosting or leading a small group study, click on "GP
Small Groups" under "GP Ministries" at
What was the make and model
of your first car?
What hung on the rear view
mirror of your first car?
What is hanging on your rear
view mirror now?
What one thing could you hang
on your rear view mirror to represent you?
Scripture Reference: Philippians
What does it mean to know
Jesus as your Lord and Savior?
What are you doing to know
Jesus more?
What things interrupt your
spiritual momentum?
How old do you have to be to
have a mature view of life?
What does pressing on mean to
How can suffering together be
What is the biggest lost you
have experienced for the sake of Christ?
What is the big prize you are
striving to win?
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