The following questions are to be used as a study aid for
the sermon preached by Pastor Tommy Dove at the Grace Place on Sunday, March 9,
2014. To get the most from these questions, go to and listen to the service first.
These questions can be used in your private Bible study
during the week or as the topic for a small group study. For more information
on hosting or leading a small group study, click on "GP Small Groups"
under "GP Ministries" at
Fellowship: (Break bread with your community, share life
from last week, announcements for next week)
Icebreaker: (Get to know your fellow believers a little
bit better using this week’s topic)
How do you remain friends over a long distance?How do you remember friends on special occasions?
How do you use social media to stay in touch?
Worship: (Optional for communities who have the time and
Scripture: (Read the word together – use different
readers, different versions, just read it)
John 15:1-17
Lesson: (Delve deeper into the Word and into the sermon
using open-ended questions)
God is the
Gardener. Everyone gets pruning. No one escapes it. No one gets a free ride on the Vine. The good branches, the ones that are healthy
and producing fruit, get to stay attached to the Vine but they still get
pruned. A little bit is clipped off so
that the strength from the Vine is used to produce fruit not more wood. God doesn’t need more wood; He needs more
Why do we need a daily relationship with God?
How does a daily relationship help us remain in the Vine?How do we maintain relationships with other believers?
How does God prune believers?
Why is it important to bear fruit?
What is “fruit?”
What does intentional love look like?
Prayer: (Share each other’s burdens, become a community
of believers)
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