The following questions are to be used as a study aid for
the sermon preached by Rev Tommy Dove at the Grace Place on Sunday, January 11,
2015. To get the most from these questions, go to
and click on “Streaming.” From there you
can watch or listen to the service first.
These questions can be used in your private Bible study
during the week or as the topic for a small group study. For more information
on hosting or leading a small group study, click on "GP Small Groups"
under "GP Ministries" at
Fellowship: (Break bread with your community, share life
from last week, announcements for next week)
Icebreaker: (Get to know your fellow believers a little
bit better using this week’s topic
How has your mother or grandmother embarrassed you?
When have you received an honor you didn’t deserve?
How do you feel about receiving praise?
Scripture: (Read the word together – use different
readers, different versions, just read it)
Matthew 20:20-28
Lesson: (Delve deeper into the Word and into the sermon
using open-ended questions)
We see many
examples of people yearning for power and position in our modern world. The terrorists who murdered several people in
Paris this week were seeking power in this world and position in the world to
come. How totally opposite is their motivation
from what Christ told His disciples! If
you want to be first, you need to practice being last.
How did James and John feel about their mother’s request?
What motivated them to make this request?
How would you have felt if you were one of the other ten?
How are parents teaching their children today? Exalt yourself? Humble yourself?
Where do you see examples of people exalting themselves?
How can you be humble without being seen as weak?
How can you practice being a servant in your everyday
Prayer: (Share each other’s burdens, become a community
of believers)
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