The following questions can
be used as a weekly recap in a small group setting or as a personal study aid
for the sermon preached by Adult Education Pastor, Jon Green, at the Grace
Place on Sunday, May 28, 2017. Past sermons are available offline at Click
on “Media” to view the video. For more information on participating in a
Life Group study, stop by the Welcome Center.
Weekly Warm-up:
What is the scariest hike you
have ever taken?
Where does your favorite path
Weekly Overview:
I noticed
a path outside my driver’s side window as my car idled at the traffic light waiting
for it to turn. What would cause a path in the little triangle-shaped median
between four lanes of never-ending Nashville traffic? Isn’t that a terribly dangerous place to be
walking? Then I remembered. Since it was a rainy, stormy day, the usual
paper seller was not plying his trade at the busy intersection. Many times, I have feared for the safety of
those dedicated folks as they dart in and out of cars collecting money.
We may
not be risking our physical lives in such a harrowing way but don’t we everyday
hurry along the just as dangerous road of life?
I am grateful for the Good Shepherd whose voice guides me in the right
direction. We can trust that He is
leading us on the path of righteous.
Weekly Discussion Questions:
Read Psalm 23 from a modern
translation such as The Message or The Voice.
How do we know that it is the
Shepherd’s voice?
What has the Shepherd done for us
in vs 1-3a?
In what forms does God’s guidance
When have you heard the Shepherd
guiding you?
Why do we hesitate to heed His
How can we learn to trust His way
What benefits do we receive from
following His way?
What troubles come when we don’t?
Group Prayer:
Pray for fearless obedience to
the Shepherd’s voice.
Pray for Pastor Jon’s health.
Pray for Pastor Tommy’s
Pray for Pastor Patton’s time
with us.
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