The following questions can be used as a weekly recap in a small
group setting or as a personal study aid for the sermon preached by Interim
Pastor, Norm Patton, at the Grace Place on Sunday, June 4, 2017. Past
sermons are available offline at
Click on “Media” to view the video. For more information on participating
in a Life Group study, stop by the Welcome Center.
Weekly Warm-up:
What makes you most afraid?
How do you cope with fear?
Weekly Overview:
A few
years ago, there was a TV show called, Fear Factor, where contestants were challenged to perform terrifying or disgusting
acts. If a contestant refused or failed
the challenge, he or she was eliminated.
For most of us, that does not sound like fun and is probably why the show
was cancelled. We all have things or
situations that make us scared or uncomfortable. None of us get though life without facing
some of our fears. Even Jesus. But God is always with us to walk through
even the darkest of valleys. I will not
be afraid if He is with me!
Weekly Discussion Questions:
Read Psalm 23 (one reader for
each verse)
What kind of dark valleys did
Jesus face? (Hebrews 4:15)
How does this comfort you when
you face a dark valley?
How do you feel God’s presence in
valley times? (Isaiah 43:2)
Who gives you rest in the
valley? (Exodus 33:14)
What gave Jesus peace while in death’s
How can we be fearless in the
Read Matthew 28:20
What promise did Jesus make to
How does this promise help you
face the valleys?
Group Prayer:
Pray for people facing dark
Pray for Pastor Jon’s health.
Pray for Pastor Tommy’s
Pray for Pastor Patton’s time
with us.
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