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The following questions can be used as a weekly recap in a small group setting or as a personal study aid for the sermon preached by Lead Pastor Tommy Dove at the Grace Place on Sunday, August 13, 2017.  Past sermons are available offline at  Click on “Media” to view the video.
Weekly Warm-up:
What kind of test taker are you?
Have you ever cheat on a test?
How do you prepare for a test?

Weekly Overview:
We have all experienced bad days – receiving news of a loved one’s death, losing a job, getting a bad diagnosis or seeing the destruction of our home – but none of us have had a bad day like Job’s bad day.  Job lost his fortune and his family all in one day but he did not lose his faith.  Job continued to praise God despite the circumstances.  After all that loss, now Job is sitting in a heap scraping his oozing wounds with a piece of broken pottery.  Surely, now, he will lose his patience and give up on God!  Nope because Job’s relationship was not based on what he received from God.  We have much to learn from Job.
Weekly Discussion Questions:
Read Job 1:13-22 and Job 2:1-10.

What steals your patience?
How do you normally react to a patience stealer?
Why does the loss of our stuff upset us so?
How does our stuff represent what is important to us?
What was Job’s response to loss?  (Job 1:20)
How was Job’s grief different than what we expected?
Why is it hard to worship after loss?
Want another illustration of worship after loss?  Read 2 Samuel 12:18-23.
What would happen if we worshipped instead of blamed?

Group Prayer:
Pray for folks grieving loss of loved ones.
Pray for folks touched by sickness.

Pray for a healthier response to patience stealers.


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