The following questions are to be used as a study aid for the sermon preached by Pastor Tommy Dove at the Grace Place on Sunday, November 22, 2015. To get the most from these questions, view the service by going to and clicking on “Streaming.” From there you can watch or listen to the service first. These questions can be used in your private Bible study during the week or as the topic for a small group study. For more information on participating a small group study, click on "Life Groups" at the top of Fellowship: Icebreaker: How does advertising tempt you? What food do you have a weakness for? How do you control a spending urge? (Black Friday is coming!) Scripture: James 1:12-27 Lesson: Back in the 1970’s, comedian Flip Wilson’s punch line was “The devil made me do it.” He was theologically correct. God does not tempt us to sin. That is the work of the evil one....
Study aid questions to be used for private Bible study or small group study