Icebreaker: What is the nicest thing someone has ever done for you? What is the nicest thing you have ever done for someone? Overview: I saw a billboard on a church that read: “Do for one person what you wish you could do for everyone.” I may not be able to give everyone a gift or shower everyone with love, but I can do it for one person. The Apostle Paul instructed Titus that we should be ready for “every good work” and “show perfect courtesy toward all people.” Division and discord are breaking out all around us trying to snuff out the fire of the Spirit! To keep the blaze of the Holy Spirit burning, we need to treat others with the goodness and loving kindness of God, even if we start small. Discussion: Read Titus 3:1-11. Causes of division and discord: Quetta’s testimony: A few years ago, I suffered a fractured relationship with another person in our church because of an action they took in which they felt justified. I felt justified as well and o...
Study aid questions to be used for private Bible study or small group study