Icebreaker: What is your favorite “kingdom” movie or TV show? What is your favorite “kingdom” time period? Overview: This week we finish our month-long refresher of fundamental Christian beliefs with a study of the kingdom of God. We love a good TV show or movie where the good prince wages war against the bad prince and wins the whole kingdom (and usually a beautiful princess). The people during Jesus’ time had experienced those types of kingdom takeovers. They expected Jesus to be the conquering hero and were surprised when He said, “My kingdom is not of this world.” “Christ rejected the idea of an earthly, carnal kingdom. Every kingdom that has been built by force has fallen; and if Christ’s kingdom were established on the same principle, it would be no better than the kingdoms of this world. An earthly kingdom is inadequate for God’s kingdom.” – Arlo F. Newell, The Church of God as revealed in Scripture . Discussion: Being asked by the Pharisees when th...
Study aid questions to be used for private Bible study or small group study